Occupational Health & Safety

Medical Surveillance
- By Occupational Health Doctors complying to the Guidelines on Medical Surveillance under the Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standard of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2000.
- OHD Visitations (Full-time and part-time).

Audiometry Testing
- Mobile and static testing center.
- Audiometry Testing Centre (ATC) registered with DOSH, complying with the Occupational Safety & Health (Noise Exposure) Regulations 2019.
- OH Reporting & Presentation to Employers.
- Complementary review of : Noise Risk Assessment (NRA) Reports

Medical Check Up
- Customized to accommodate the specific needs of each organization and industry.
- In accordance with DOSH and Jabatan Laut requirements.
- OHD Medical Examinations and reports.

Training Programme
- On-site programmes.
- CEP, CPD points – subject to approval from regulators.

Specialized Occupational Health Services
- Drug & alcohol testing.
- Bloodborne Pathogen Standard and Control Plan.
- Oil & Gas Industry (PETRONAS, SHELL & others Approved Medical Examiner).
- Mental Health Assessment.
- Ergonomics Risk Assessment.
- Occupational Disease Case Investigation.

In-House Clinic Services
- Customized and designed based on client’s operational requirements.
- OHD visitations.
- Industrial Nurse and OH Nurse services available.
- Development and Registration of In-House clinic facility under Ministry of Health.
- Cost-Effective in managing worker absenteeism, presenteeism and time-loss.
- Close engagement with Human Resource and Safety Department.